, Phone:0470 2627400 

The Senate is called the College of Engineering, Attingal Senate

Objective of the Senate

          1. To train the students of the College in the duties, responsibilities and
               rights of citizenship.
          2. To promote opportunities for the development of character, leadership,efficiency, knowledge and spirit of service
               among students.
          3. To organize debates, seminars, work squads, tours and such other functions and
          4. To encourage sports, arts and other cultural, educational, social or recreational activities that are conducive
               to the above activities.
The members of the Senate shall be elected by and from among the students of the College. There shall be, one
member elected from each class elected by and from among students of that class.

The College Senate shall have an Executive Committee consisting of
          1. The Chairman
          2. The Vice-Chairman
          3. The General Secretary
          4. The Treasurer
          5. The Editor of the College Magazine
          6. The Secretary of Sports
          7. The Arts Club Secretary
          8. Senate advisor 1(Ex- officio)
          9. Senate advisor 2 (Ex- officio)

Senate inauguration 2017-18 click here

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